About Us

Since 1837

Join us in one of oldest restaurants in East Grinstead, Over hundreds of years 42-44 high Street having visitors and hosting guest as restaurant.

We glad to tell you that, Now 42-44 high street will be opening door as Mediterranean cuisine and Cocktails bar.

The restaurant & bar combines local ingredients and professional cocktails that takes customers to the heart of Rocca culinary identity. Combining elegant and daring with its stylish architecture and food.

Our Story

We aspire to provide real value to our customers’ experience by serving the most mouth watering Traditional Mediterranean Food, accompanied by outstanding service and all for a very affordable price.

We are a restaurant by day and night. Just imagine having landed in mediterranean culture with a celebration to be enjoyed accompanied by life music, DJ's and private booth bookings.

The spacious interiors are ergonomically designed to create a comfortable, cosy and relaxing vibe.

Best Service Ever